The all-new Kids’ Lap Bible — Rose Foster interview - Camper Trailer Australia

The all-new Kids’ Lap Bible — Rose Foster interview

Written by: Julija Zivanovic


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Time to read 4 min

To celebrate the release of the all-new Kids’ Lap Bible, a complement to the hugely successful Big Lap Bible (First and Second Editions), we interviewed author Rose Foster to get some expert advice for families embarking on the Big Lap.

The Big Lap is a massive and epic journey that can sometimes get tiresome for not only the adults doing the driving … but the kids as well. This 130-page book was created to both educate and entertain on a journey that will last in your kids’ memories forever — plus, it gives them a way to record it all during and afterwards.

We had the opportunity to speak with the Kids’ Lap Bible’s author — also author of the Big Lap Bible — Rose Foster this week and gleaned some great advice for families planning a Big Lap.

Rose Foster Interview

Why was the Kids’ Lap Bible created?

On the surface, the Kids’ Lap Bible was created to keep kids entertained on the road and engaged in the Big Lap. But the real reason behind the book is so much more than that.

The Kids’ Lap Bible was really created to support children who are undertaking the Big Lap with their families. For many people, life on the Big Lap is a stark contrast to ‘normal’ life and the change in lifestyle takes a while for everyone to adjust to — especially kids. While parents decide that the Big Lap is right for their family, make all the big planning decisions, decide where to go and when etc, kids are often just along for the ride.

The Kids’ Lap Bible helps children to feel like they are involved at every point — from planning to making decisions on where to go, this guide is an incredible way to help children understand the adventure they’re about to undertake and what life on the road can look like.

When kids are on the road, the Kids’ Lap Bible helps them keep track of their adventures and acts as a source of education and reflection.

With so much to see and do on the epic Big Lap, we asked Rose how did she and the team at Aus Travel Press decide what to include in the Kids’ Lap Bible?

We wanted to include as much helpful information as possible in an easy-to-consume way as to not overwhelm children using it. We took guidance from the structure of the Big Lap Bible to influence what the sections would look like to ensure kids could use their Kids’ Lap Bible alongside their parents who were using the Big Lap Bible.

Unlike the Big Lap Bible though, we also considered the big feelings children can have around change. While the prospect of a Big Lap is super exciting, many children can struggle at first with uncertainty and fear of what’s to come, so the planning section helps them quell those fears.

What is the benefit of having your kids involved in planning your Big Lap adventure?

Getting the kids involved in planning leads to the Big Lap becoming a collaborate family adventure. Allowing children to feel like they have influenced where you’re going or what you’re doing is a great way to keep them engaged and on board with full-time travel. With children generally being out of school during the lap, having them contribute to the planning can be a learning opportunity too.

Finally, with Rose being a seasoned explorer and expert on the Big Lap … after all, she did write the Bible on it! … we had to get her top five pieces of advice for travellers embarking on the Big Lap with kids in tow:

1. Stay in kid-friendly spots

Depending on your budget, a mix of kid-friendly caravan spots and free camps in nature is a good idea. Children will have access to great facilities to keep them entertained at the caravan parks and have incredible adventures in nature-based camps.

2. Plan around family-friendly events

Check out Australia’s best family-friendly events and plan your route around them. Heading to these events will add an extra dimension of fun to your lap, and often these events are free so you can entertain the whole family at no cost!

3. Don’t stress about school

Whether you’re homeschooling, using distance education or unschooling, the opportunities for learning on the road are endless and you don’t have to go far to find them. Read informational signage, visit a local library, pick up brochures and generally immerse yourself in nature and you and your kids will likely learn a thing or two!

4. Get the kids’ buy-in!

While the prospect of the Big Lap is super exciting and most kids will be very excited about the adventure, it’s not always smooth sailing. It’s important for children to feel like they have somewhat of a say in terms of where the family is going and what you’ll all be doing — they don’t want to feel like they’re being dragged from place to place (no matter how much you know they will love where you’re taking them!). A guide like the Kids’ Lap Bible is the perfect way to get their buy-in!

6. Snacks and games!

Make sure you’re well prepared for travel days. Full snack boxes and plenty of things to do are musts!

Get your copy today

The Kids’ Lap Bible is now available for purchase from the Hema Maps website.


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