Have You Been Bit By The Outback Travel Bug?

Written by: Michael Borg


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Time to read 1 min

Some of my best camping stories are from outback New South Wales, like the time I fell over backwards after finding a brown snake tangled around the bullbar of the old Daihatsu Scat! That was the same day I blew the gearbox up and had to drive it four hours back to camp in reverse.

Then there was the time I accidently fell asleep as I floated down the Darling River for God knows how long in my jocks, or that time old Davo woke up with a goanna lying on his swag – the look on his face still cracks me up to this day. I remember getting four 4WDs with trailers hopelessly bogged on a sloppy red dirt track at 2am. The only reason we got out that night was because we had a little 250 Suzuki quad bike that somehow dragged our twin cab 100 Series Cruiser out of the table drain – you little ripper!

The memories keep flooding in as I write this little yarn and, now that I think about it, the outback really is responsible for some of the best memories of my childhood.

These days, it’s the spot I go to clear the head a bit. It’s also the go-to destination for spending real quality time with friends and family. It’s the perfect haven for a bit of soul searching, and the place you’ll always get your history fix first hand. Yep, the outback’s got a bit of everything for the keen 4WDer, and if you ask me it really is the true heartbeat of Australia.

But what makes it so special? Is it the feeling that you’re the only one there, despite there being a good chance a million feet have already passed through? Is it the wide open plains boasting those iconic outback sunsets? Or is it the characters you’re likely to come across on your journey?

One thing’s for sure, when the outback travel bug bites, it bites bloody hard! And, if you ask me, it’s just one of those places that everyone should get out there and see for themselves at least once.

So pack the hammock and dust off the Akubra – it’s time to get your outback New South Wales fix, don’t you think?

Check out the full feature in issue #95 December 2015 of Camper Trailer Australia magazine. Subscribe today for all the latest camper trailer news, reviews and travel inspiration.