Guide to Hiring a Camper Trailer - Camper Trailer Australia

Guide to Hiring a Camper Trailer

Written by: Camper Staff


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Time to read 2 min


There are many of us who would love to own a camper trailer but, thanks to factors like financial restraints or work commitments, may never have that opportunity.

And why would you blow your budget, or risk letting a top-notch camper go to waste in the driveway, when there’s an easy solution: hiring one! You can find camper trailer hire companies in all capital cities around Australia, as well as a few major regional centres.

Hiring can be more cost-effective, it provides everything you need for long-term or offroad travel, and you don’t have to worry about housing it when you get home (or feel guilty about not using it!). What's not to love about that?


A major benefit of travelling with a camper trailer in tow is that there is minimal packing or unpacking at the start and end of each day (these days, new model campers can be set up in a matter of minutes!). Travelling with a camper also means your possessions are always within close reach.

There’s also the freedom of being able to stop where and when you want, as life on the road with a camper trailer means there’s no restrictions on your itinerary!

When it comes to travelling long distances, or if you’re on a tight schedule, you may even want to consider a fly-drive holiday. Save time by flying to your destination, then pick up your camper trailer and make the return journey on the road!


If you have never travelled with a camper trailer before, it’s important to note it does require a certain level of planning – especially when it comes to what type of camper you’re interested in. Most camper hire companies have great websites, but there is nothing like paying a visit to a local depot and asking a few questions.

Before hiring, make sure you check what is supplied with the vehicle. Most of the larger companies have a standard-items list, but it’s good to check on the sometimes forgotten things, like linen or cutlery.

When considering hiring costs, don’t forget there are various levels of insurance that can be taken out, and that a bond is usually required as well.


When packing, it’s important to consider your luggage. Hard-shell suitcases may fly well and fit a lot in them, but once you’ve picked up your tow vehicle and camper, there’s often nowhere to properly store them.

The best solution is soft-sided duffel bags that can be folded down when not being used and then squeezed into a considerably smaller storage space.

Apart from clothing and personal gear, the only other essential items your likely to need are one small torch for each traveller, reading material and CDs and/or the iPod if there is a radio on board (which there usually is!).

On the road, it’s helpful to consider food supplies. Ideally, a major shopping trip is done immediately after the hire camper is collected, so be sure to consider at least a few days’ worth of meals and then stock up accordingly. This will save you from having to move once you’ve settled in for the night.


What if you are interested in buying your very own camper trailer though? Hiring a camper first can actually give you a good sense of whether or not the outdoor lifestyle is for you.

We suggest hiring one for a couple of days (long weekend away, perhaps?), and taking the time to figure out what you do and don’t like, additional extras you may require or any potential customisations.

This may sound like expensive research, but if you are considering spending $20,000 or more on a camper, then it all becomes relative. What’s more, some camper trailer hire companies may refund your fee if you decide to purchase your camper from them.