FAN-TASTIC iceO CUBE evaporative cooler: Product Test

Written by: Stuart Jones


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Time to read 1 min

We’ve all had those glorious summer nights, you’ve had a cracking day, you lay your head down to rest... and your camper is like a sauna. You’d kill for a cool breeze.

Relax. I think I may have found a solution for you, with the FAN-TASTIC iceO CUBE evaporative cooler.

It’s dead easy to operate. Fill the reservoir from the top and switch the two-speed fan to high or low on its own, or press the cooler button for more action. The evaporative cooler’s operation is simple, with water dribbling down the honeycomb cooling the filter at the rear.

The power can come from three sources: via a 240V or 12V plug if you have access to one in your camper, or the cooler’s own 12V battery. Simply choose your power source and away she goes. The battery is rechargeable and easily accessed via a panel at the rear. (It will take 12 hours on 240V to charge for the first time.)


We’ve found the battery will run for up to four hours on low speed on a fully charged battery, giving you plenty of time to nod off. If you’re using it constantly over a long summer holiday, I’d recommend giving it all a quick clean once in a while to ensure all remains in top working condition.

Be sure to clean and dry the cooler once you have finished. It’s pretty easy – empty the water tank, wipe all dry. Putting it out to air dry for 24 hours wouldn’t hurt either before you pack it away till next trip.

Light and transportable, it’s not quite your former Australian Cricket Captain-endorsed split system unit, but I’m sure it will feel like one as you rest your head after yet another brilliant summer day, or to plonk yourself in front of, as a 40°C stinker tests your patience.

Check out the full feature in issue #109 of Camper Trailer Australia magazine. Subscribe today for all the latest camper trailer news, reviews and travel inspiration.