Casual tourists to gain access to periodically-leased sites in Lancelin South End CP overhaul

Written by: Camper Trailer Australia


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Scope for the 7.5ha beach-fronted grounds includes the reestablishment of powered and unpowered caravan sites, cabins/chalets and semi-permanent tents, paving the way for glamping-style options.

The opportunity arose when the current park operators chose not to renew their lease, at a time when the shire was grappling with a shortfall in camping and caravanning capacity.

Lancelin South End caravan park currently includes 147 caravan bays, a manager’s residence, 11 campsites, ablutions and laundry, plus 130 sites held under periodic lease to long-term tenants.

No mandate was stipulated to increase the number of caravan bays, but documents calling for expressions of interest said any relationships with long-term tenants will need to allow casual tourists access to the sites when not in use, adding that many required refurbishment.

In 2012, Tourism WA highlighted the Shire of Gingin’s campsite shortfall in a report entitled A Strategic Approach to Caravan and Camping Tourism in Western Australia.

The shire had looked at rezoning 10ha of bushland abutting the shoreline for caravaning and camping accommodation but failed to pass legislation this year when an environmental survey identified a rare species of federally-protected flora.