Camping Recipes: Thai Yellow Curry Snapper
Time to read 1 min
Time to read 1 min
Rivers. You can find them anywhere, usually on land, and occasionally wet. Go inland and they’re mostly dry and sometimes you have to wonder how they got there in the first place.
I’ve camped alongside many, many rivers over my time and I never grow sick of the sanctity that can be found in and around their margins.
My love for rivers is because of the grounding I had a small child. My parents took us camping on the Goulburn River in central Victoria every Easter for 23 years and it was something that is ingrained in me now.
From the deserts to the oceans, rivers offer refuge for the thirsty traveller, a place to roll out your swag. A place to recharge.
I'll always choose to camp at a river over a caravan park whenever I can, hands down. Not only does it save me a bit of doh on camping fees, if the fish are biting, I can score myself a free feed as well.
A good catch is always best eaten fresh. But there's no point landing one if you're stuck for ideas. So I've pulled together a brilliant dish that is sure to impress - a Thai yellow curry snapper. Now these guys are mighty strong, and you can really work up an appetite pulling 'em in, so I've chosen a recipe that cooks quick in a wok and is tasty to boot.
So go on, tuck into some meaty goodness and kick back for the rest of the day.
Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and blend to a paste, leaving 1/2 a cup of milk for cooking.
Add to a hot wok and cook, stirring frequently until fragrant.
Add the additional coconut milk and bring to the boil.
Add the fish and cook until done.
Serve garnished with coriander and sliced red chili.