Camping recipes: S'mores - Camper Trailer Australia

Camping recipes: S'mores

Written by: CAMPER crew


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Time to read 0 min

This is a real winner for the kids. It involves playing with fire (while supervised, of course), chocolate and toasting marshmallows.

In all seriousness, toasting marshmallows over a campfire is a perfect opportunity for parents, and other older folk to discuss in a natural and easy-going way, the art of making and safety concerns of building and maintaining a fire while camping in the bush.

And at the end of the cunning lesson-in-disguise — so cunning the gathered littlies won’t even recognise it as a lesson! — you’ll have a gaggle of happy chocolate-smeared smiling faces ready to hit the sack without protest. Double win!


  • Large marshmallows
  • ‘Graham’ crackers, or any wheat digestive-style wheat biscuit
  • Chocolate squares


Toast a marshmallow on campfire on the end of a stick, in the usual way, until a light golden color.

Insert two squares of chocolate into gooey marshmallow

Sandwich the lot between Graham crackers (or wheat digestives)

Squeeze crackers (or wheat digestives) together so resultant choc/ marshmallow goo threatens to ooze out of gap between biscuits

Add a layer of jam if you really must.


This recipe and much more appeared in Camper Trailer Australia #123 2018. Subscribe today for the latest caravan reviews and news every month!