Camping Recipes: Roasted Snacks

Written by: Michael Borg


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Time to read 2 min

Some of my favourite campsite recipes require next to no cooking utensils at all. So why have a crack yourself? You’ll be camping back-to-basics in no time.

After feasting on some (or all) of these recipes using my dead-simple cooking methods, I reckon you’ll know why it’s worth taking a walk on the creative side the next time you head for the scrub. Sure, you can probably buy bigger and better things down the local shop but where’s the fun in that? The next time you’re out camping, give some of these a crack, I guarantee you’ll love it!


  • 12 large baby mushrooms
  • 150g cream cheese
  • 150g blue cheese
  • Salt and pepper
  • Parsley
  • Hot barbecue sauce (if desired)
  • Bacon (6 slices)

Start by cleaning the mushies and removing the stems. Then, add the cheeses, salt and pepper, parsley and sauce into a container and mix well together before stuffing it into your mushrooms.

Slice a piece of bacon in half and wrap the mushroom up securing it with a tooth pick through the side so it still sits evenly on the grill.

Cook it for about 4-6 minutes each side or until the bacon is just starting to crisp. Then enjoy the hell out of it!


  • 1½ tbsp of Dijon mustard
  • Poppy seeds
  • ¾ 3/4 cup melted butter
  • 1½ tsp of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon dried minced onion
  • Unsliced loaf of bread
  • Shaved ham off the bone
  • Cheese (pick something tasty like Swiss cheese)

Mix mustard, poppy seeds, melted butter, Worcestershire sauce and minced onion in a bowl. Slice the loaf evenly all the way through, and line with cheese and ham. Pour a thin layer of the liquid mix over the top and wrap 2-3 times in aluminium foil. You can put this straight in the coals but you’ll lower the chances of burning it in a camp oven. Cook for about 15 minutes with the majority of coals on the lid and remove when the cheese is melted and the bread is lightly toasted.


  • Ice cream cones
  • Banana
  • Dried fruit
  • Peanut butter
  • Cadbury Caramello chocolate
  • Mini marshmellows
  • Choc chips

This one’s as simple as they come. Simply stuff those ice cream cones with enough sweet stuff to sink a battle ship and you’re just about done. One tried and tested list of ingredients is mentioned above, but don’t limit yourself to that.

Once you’ve filled the cones up, simply wrap them in a few layers of foil and place on the coals. Now these won’t take long at all, seeing as you’re literally just melting the chocolate inside. So keep a close eye on them or you’ll end up burning the cone. Get it right, and you’ll be the king of the camp kitchen!


  • Oranges
  • Chocolate brownie mix (cake mix works, too)
  • Aluminium foil
  • Vanilla ice cream

Start by cutting the top off the orange about a quarter of the way down, and remove most the actual orange from the skin, leaving a bit on the bottom and up the sides for added flavour. Mix up your brownie mix, and pour it into the orange skin. Now to keep this quick and easy, you can just use a brownie mix ready to from the store. Or to go one step further, grab a few of those self-saucing pre-made brownies and use those instead.

Wrap the orange in 2-3 layers of heavy duty aluminium foil and place on a bed of hot coals for roughly 15-25 minutes. The orange flavour will blend in with the chocolate sauce and brownie. Serve with ice cream and it’s guaranteed to be a hit!

The full feature appeared in Camper Trailer Australia #99 April 2015. Subscribe today for the latest caravan reviews and news every month!