Bright Brewery Alpine XPL Review - Camper Trailer Australia

Bright Brewery Alpine XPL Review

Written by: Aaron Flanagan


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Time to read 1 min

One day in the recent past, beer arrived at the offices of Camper, my friends. It was a testing pack from the fine, fine, FINE people at Bright Brewery in... well... Bright, a superb town up in the north-west of Victoria. Anyway the fine people at Bright Brewery are superbly fine. And, as I was soon to discover, so too are the fruits of their labour.

Who were we to deny ourselves the rigorous assignment set down by the sending of a pack of beers? We duly rolled up our sleeves and got down to work.

The beers under investigation were Bright Brewery’s ‘Alpine’ extra pale ale variety. What can I say? Resisting the urge to flip off a lid and tilt back the old head there and then (I’d worked up a mighty thirst bashing my keyboard, you see), I stashed a few in my bag knowing I was soon to escape to a nearby beach for a paddle and a swim. It was the tail end of a hot week and I wanted to make the most of the sweaty late afternoon conditions with a sea swim to wash away the detritus of a busy work week.

Beer tastes better after an effort in the sea. It’s why most yachtsmen become pirates after a while. I certainly enjoy the co-mingling of crisp hoppy beer on salty lips.

Bright Brewery’s Alpine extra pale ale is a deliciously crisp beer with a delightful hint of faraway apple. Best served ice-cold, it’s a perfect campsite beer; delightful after a productive day’s work hammering tent pegs or stamping one’s clutch. Five stars. Arrr, me hearties!

RRP: $23.95 for six