Axle and Bearing Restorations: Expert advice

Written by: Camper Trailer Australia


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Time to read 1 min

Q1. What do I need to consider when purchasing a replacement axle?

A. You’ll need to consider the load of the trailer, along with how much load it can legally carry.

Q2. Is it possible to guarantee the load rating of an axle by simply measuring the size of it?

A. Axles come standard in square or round, both can carry differing loads which can vary between manufacturers so simply measuring it is not really enough information to work from. Most axle manufacturers will offer a reference table showing the load ratings for the variable diameters of the axle itself.

Q3. What’s the difference between Ford and Holden bearings?

A. Firstly, the size of the bearing differs, and, secondly, the load capacity varies quite considerably. The LM or the Holden bearing has a smaller inside diameter. Therefore, Ford bearings can carry a higher payload than the Holden variety.

Q4. Have you got any tips for choosing the right hub/stud pattern and wheel combination?

A. The hub and stud combination is an engineering task, it’s important to get the combinations right to ensure they suit your trailer’s design, payload and specifications.

Q5. What advice would you offer somebody looking to upgrade or replace their trailer’s old running gear?

A. Always ensure you purchase your parts from a reputable supplier. The axle market has been flooded with sub-standard products lately. So make sure they offer a good warranty, and after sales service, too.

Check out the full feature in issue #96 January 2016 of Camper Trailer Australia magazine. Subscribe today for all the latest camper trailer news, reviews and travel inspiration.

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