New Compact Australian Bird Guide by CSIRO Publishing
Time to read 1 min
Time to read 1 min
The Compact Australian Bird Guide by CSIRO Publishing is the perfect pocket-sized guidebook for nature lovers beginning their birdwatching journey, or the well-seasoned watchers. Based on the award-winning The Australian Bird Guide, this new and compact edition featuring more than 700 species, was written and illustrated by the same team to offer an equally informative and visually stimulating guide that will fit in your backpack or coat pocket.
To assist beginners on their bird-watching journey, the guide follows a simple and easily scannable style, incorporating only the information needed to make fast and accurate identifications, including habitat, calls and plumage, as well as stunning life-like portrait illustrations that provide a level of detail that cannot be shown in photographs.
“A key element of the development of The Compact Australian Bird Guide was to create a guide for general birdwatching, so that anyone, regardless of their level of bird knowledge or experience, can quickly and easily identify species,” said co-author Peter Menkhorst.
The Compact Australian Bird Guide perfectly balances the line of being comprehensive yet concise, and suits both novices and experts alike. The 2021 Aussie Backyard Bird Count was joined by more than 100,000 people nationwide, and this guidebook is the perfect field companion to encourage and sustain the interest and understanding of Australian birdlife that has taken flight.
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