Tips for getting the best deal on your next camper trailer upgrade in 2022 - Camper Trailer Australia

Tips for getting the best deal on your next camper trailer upgrade in 2022

Written by: Editorial Team


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Time to read 2 min

With so many camper trailers available on the market, it can often become confusing – what do you really need, what is nice to have, and what’s something that’s simply caught your eye? Looking at what you already have, what were the moans and niggles you had about your current camper trailer that you want to avoid the second (or third) time around?

Here are some tips to get the best deal on your next camper trailer upgrade in 2022.

Have a design in mind — which makes your budget

You should always have a budget in mind for your next camper trailer — and this is informed by your needs and wants. Sidefolds used to be popular but are no longer in favour. Forwardfolds are becoming favourable but have poor storage. Imports may be hybrid models which are more durable, but expensive. Does your model have ample sleeping accommodation? A kitchen? Do you need to recharge batteries on DC, or can you attach solar panels?

How to set a budget

All these design choices will also be influenced by your budget, which you should figure out using a caravan loan calculator. This will give you an approximate amount you’ll pay each month in repayments. You’ll need an interest rate, loan term, and loan amount to use one.

Can you tow it?

How much can your car or vehicle tow without straining gearboxes or rear wheel drives? Make a note of the Tare and GVM (Gross Vehicle Mass) of your shortlisted camper trailers and what your vehicle can comfortably tow — and remember to add 100–200kg on top to account for equipment.

Look to buy new instead of used

New isn’t cheap but used may end up more expensive. A new camper trailer is built with newer materials, is still in warranty, and likely has added safety features. Older models may be unreliable and require costly maintenance. When it comes to financing a camper trailer, lenders like new — they will pass on savings in the form of more competitive interest rates which means paying less in interest than if you bought used. You should always compare caravan finance to see what’s out there.

Finance pre-approval to seal a better deal

When you are meeting dealers, coming armed with finance pre-approval — which is doing all the hard work of getting your loan sorted ahead of time — can help you get a better deal. It gives you a hard price limit while at the same time indicating to dealers that you’re ready to buy. Dealers won’t pass up a sale if they can help it, so use this as leverage over dealers: especially at the end of month or financial year, when bonuses are on the line!

It’s also best to look for a broker that specialises in camper trailer or leisure finance. Brokers do the hard work of finding the best loan from many lenders instead of what’s on offer at your bank.