• Take the Plunge and Travel Full-time - Camper Trailer Australia

    Take the Plunge and Travel Full-time

    Last year, we packed our bags, quit our jobs, and went out to travel the country full-time. Here’s our take on why it has been worth it.

    bySam Richards and Emma Warren
  • It Won't Happen to Me - Camper Trailer Australia

    It Won't Happen to Me

    Rescue services are called out on a weekly basis. Our resident survival expert Scott Heiman lets us in on a few tips and tricks.

    byScott Heiman
  • All About Weight - Camper Trailer Australia

    All About Weight

    Weight is a significant factor which must be considered when choosing and setting up a tow vehicle for your caravan or camper. All vehicles, when m...

    byDavid Coook
  • Big Bloody Bogs! - Camper Trailer Australia

    Big Bloody Bogs!

    Ron recalls the deepest, deadliest bogs he’s ever landed a vehicle in and gives away his secrets about how he got out of trouble.

    byRon and Viv Moon