• Camping on the Cheap - Camper Trailer Australia

    Camping on the Cheap

    Here’s how to spend less on money-munching realities so your trips can last for longer without hurting your savings.

    bySam Richards and Emma Warren
  • When Time Stands Still - Camper Trailer Australia

    When Time Stands Still

    Kath reflects on how her perception of time has changed over the years and how camping slows it down

    byKath Heiman
  • Fitting Out Your 4x4 - Camper Trailer Australia

    Fitting Out Your 4x4

    Here are some tips for beefing up your 4x4 for when we can get back out on the tracks

    bySam Richards
  • Self-sufficient Ethical Touring - Camper Trailer Australia

    Self-sufficient Ethical Touring

    Sometimes it’s best to keep camping basic and to practise the handy hacks your old man’s old man held sacred.

    byScott Heiman
  • Travel Planning For Late 2020 - Camper Trailer Australia

    Travel Planning For Late 2020

    The new year has thrown everyone's travel plans into disorder. Time to take back the reins and plan ahead.

    byRon and Viv Moon
  • Is technology destroying camping culture? - Camper Trailer Australia

    Is technology destroying camping culture?

    Nowadays, kids and their parents seem more interested in their devices than exploring around camp and making friends. It’s bloody hard to watch.

    byKath Heiman
  • Top 15 Camping Mistakes Made by Beginners - Camper Trailer Australia

    Top 15 Camping Mistakes Made by Beginners

    Camper selects the top 15 easily avoidable though often costly mistakes made by folks who are new to camping. Perhaps you’ve made some of these you...

    byDavid Cook
  • Growing up as a Camping Kid - Camper Trailer Australia

    Growing up as a Camping Kid

    A few key milestones mark the physical and mental development of any child. But for families that spend a lot of their time camping, these importan...

    byKath Heiman
  • Having a Campfire in your Backyard - Camper Trailer Australia

    Having a Campfire in your Backyard

    Miss having a campfire when at home? What’s stopping you? Bureaucracy hinders some unlucky citizens, but for many, the revolution of fire pits is b...

    byKath Heiman
  • Cordless Tools You Need While Camping - Camper Trailer Australia

    Cordless Tools You Need While Camping

    Ever feel like you’ve left something important at home? It was your cordless appliances. Camper runs you through a few pieces of handy cordless kit...

    byScott Heiman
  • 10 Essentials to Pack - Camper Trailer Australia

    10 Essentials to Pack

    Heading into the desert? Bring along these ten things for a smooth and fun-filled adventure.

    byCatherine Lawson
  • Minimalist Camping - Camper Trailer Australia

    Minimalist Camping

    Camping minimalism or Zen camping, we take a look at whether paring back the inventory is as fulfilling as having the comforts of a camper at your ...

    byKath Heiman
  • Bad Camping Behaviour - Camper Trailer Australia

    Bad Camping Behaviour

    Scott rips into the one per cent of campers who ruin the experience for the majority by blindly pursuing their own self-interest

    byScott Heiman