Green Patch, ACT
Time to read 1 min
Time to read 1 min
Not all the good camping spots close to Sydney lie in NSW. GreenPatch is a little gem located in Commonwealth territory on thesouthern shore of Jervis Bay, 193km south of the CBD.
Featuring beautifully white sand this protected joy is amazinglylike the coral atolls that you see on travel brochures, the nearbyHyams Beach claims to have the whitest sand in the world. Andeven at peak times Green Patch beach is never crowded.
Located in Booderee National Park, the camp ground is scatteredamong a forest of coastal trees just behind the beach, with a short100m walk to the sand.
Like so many good camps its biggest problem is that during holidaytimes bookings are essential, and at certain times of the yearsites are allocated on a ballot system. However, mid-week it isquiet and peaceful, with just a handful of campers and thewildlife. In peak and shoulder seasons and on weekends there is aminimum two night stay.
The wildlife is extensive; possums, bandicoots, swamp wallabies,grey kangaroos, and a wide range of parrots and other birdlife,most of which are quite tame and come freely to your camp.
The facilities are excellent, with two large toilet/ showercomplexes and a number of electric and wood barbecues, with woodsupplied but no power.
Campsites are divided into two sizes: standard and large witheither drive-in or walk-in sites. They are allocated according totent/ van sizes and number of vehicles.
Most sites are divided from their neighbours by screening trees orscrub.
Fees vary according to season and site size, and considering whatyou get they are very reasonable.
Green Patch has a lot to offer a lot to offer in the way ofactivities. There is excellent bushwalking, notably in the nearbyBooderee Botanic Gardens. There is endless snorkelling, fishing andlazing around to be done at the numerous well protected beaches,and Cave Beach is a great spot for surfing. You can go on a dolphinspotting trip in the bay or watch out for whales at the oldlighthouse ruins at the end of Stoney Creek Road.
Further afield are the Nowra Aviation Museum, the pleasures of thevillage in Kangaroo Valley and Fitzroy Falls at the top of theescarpment or crawling around the tourist shops in the historicvillage of Berry.
From Sydney turn off the Princes Highway towards Huskisson south ofNowra and follow Jervis Bay Road towards Hyams Beach. Stay onJervis Bay Road, through the park entry gates and turn left intoVillage Road 1km past the naval college.
Green Patch campground, (02) 4443 0977, www.booderee.gov.au
Source: Camper Trailer Australia #40